Friday 4 November 2011

My Hair Is A Transformer

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So it's been a while since I last blogged. As much as I wanna blog, I really can't - since I spent 80% of my time in army camp. And due to that, I normally have nothing much to blog about. Unless you want blog posts like, "Today I ran 4km in the morning and went to gym in the afternoon. Ate dinner at the cookhouse at 1730." Wtf right? #FuckMyNSLife.

As I was saying, I wanted to blog about something so here's a forced post about my hair transformations throughout the years. (LOL like 2 years only lah.) BECAUSE it's like a hot topic on my YouTube videos. Like when I had blonde hair people will comment "Oh, you look like XXX (whoever that has blonde hair), when I had short hair, "Oh you look like XXX (which ever idol that has short brown hair) and then when I shaved my hair for army, "OMG WHY ARE YOU BALD O_O ZOMG" and yada yada.

Firstly, for those who do not know, I used to have like curly hair? Like when I try to grow my fringe long, it starts to curl in all sorts of weird way. So much so I decided to shave my head when I was in Secondary school and let the hair re-grow. (So army is not the first time I shaved my head.) And miraculously, I had really (relatively) straight hair ever since? ANYWAY I'M NOT SAYING YOU MUST SHAVE YOUR HEAD TO HAVE STRAIGHT HAIR OKAY! Lol later all of you go and shave your head don't blame me lol wtf.

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Here's a picture of me during Secondary school. LOL I don't know why but I looked like an ahbeng (hooligan) and somemore so tanned. I think that was like the trend back then? Like those spiky hair.

Fast-forward a few years, I went to Poly. I still had that ahbeng hairstyle. But that didn't last long because after like half a year, I cut my hair and had bangs for the first (and last) time.

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As soon as my fringe grew long, I cut my hair short and tried the "Armani" hairstyle. But that kind of failed so I grew my hair again. (At the point of time, I was beginning to start thinking if I should bleach my hair blonde. And contrary to popular belief, this was BEFORE G-Dragon started the whole blonde hair trend.)

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Then finally on one faithful day, I bleached my hair. That's the start of my blonde-haired era.

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Actually the result after the first time wasn't very ideal because my hair turned out orange rather than blonde? (I was going for like golden blonde.) But yea, at least I bleached my hair. Haha. And for a few weeks after that, I felt quite self-conscious when I go out cause I'm worried like how people will look at me (like "wah this one sure ahbeng one lol") since blonde is like an unusual colour back then. (But now everyone also blonde hair so it's like mehhhhh. :S)

As you know, black roots will start to show after a while, and my orange hair became lighter and lighter every time I went to touch up on my roots.

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(This picture is irrelevant but it's damn funny so I posted it. Miss the time in Korea!)

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I stayed blonde for quite some time. So much so that I went to a Halloween party at my school with black hair (you know, like sprayed my hair black). Lol ironic.

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And once in a while, I tried to curl my hair cause I thought it looked cool. (Cause SHINee's Key had curled hair in during Juliette promo.)

(Another irrelevant picture but heck, lol it's funny.)

I like to experiment with my hair. In fact, I did quite a lot of stupid things with my hair like in these pictures:

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(Wait for it)
(Okay lah, those are wigs, not my hair.)

And finally went I graduated from Poly, I dyed my hair back to brown. (Mainly because I went back to Shanghai to visit my grandparents and I didn't want to give them a shock lol and I also had to take photo for my passport.)

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Didn't cut my hair all the way until I enlisted into the army and became bald. O_O

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(Super tanned like a charcoal.)

(No hair still wanna act like a model lol.)

And then the hair slowly grew longer AGAIN.

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(Tried the curry-pok combed back hair, which I quite like.)

And this is how my hair looks like now.

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And... that's the end of this blog post! Omg super long-winded. I think it's my longest entry ever. So what do you think of my hair transformations throughout the years? Haha let me know which is your favourite in the comments area, on my fb page, or on twitter! Hopefully you will enjoy reading this post as much as I did posting it! :D

Thursday 3 November 2011


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For those of you who don't know, I love shopping at Zipia! Haha



Photographed by Zhang Min Hua
Model Irina Tan, Carrie Models

Sunday 25 September 2011

Master In China

Master In China

Master In China

A tongue of an angel, floats in red wine saliva
Your teeth ravel porcelain, made by masters in China
Your face can't be captured by pictures or words
And your voice is a music that I've never heard

And your skin is a cream, dipped out beyond measure
Your nose is a pink color touched by the weather
Your fingers are keys from the grandest piano
Played by a soul that the Lord only knows

~Master In China by Priscilla Ahn

Photographed by Zhang Min Hua
Model Irina Tan, Carrie Models

Monday 12 September 2011


Recently I photographed Jayley and here's the result.



Photographed by Zhang Min Hua
Styled by Jean Lee
Makeup by Cherry Chong
Model Jayley Woo

Sunday 21 August 2011

New YouTube Videos!

Into The Woods

This is the behind-the-scene video of a fashion shoot I did a few months ago. Inspired by The Little Red Riding Hood, the series is about a girl who is brave enough to challenge the dangers of the woods.

Photographed by Zhang Min Hua
Styled by Jean Lee
Makeup by Cherry Chong using Face Essentials
Model Olesya P, Upfront Models
Video by Guanlin Tan

Music used is an instrumental verison of Rachael Yamagata's "Elephant".